All WEEDSshould be removed. If there are too many to remove, spray them with a Round-Up type product 7 to 10 days prior to the hydroseeding appointment.TWOdays before seeding cut the deed weeds off at ground level andrake them off.
All ROCKSbigger than a golf ball should be removed. The soil should be fine graded, raked level and settled.
If the soil is powdery dry, sprinkle the area LIGHTLYat leastONE FULL DAY BEFOREseeding to put a thin crust on the top of the soil.The soil needs to be DRY
enough for us to walk on it the day of seeding.
BE CERTAIN all gates are unlocked and your pets are in the house or garage on the day of the hydroseeding.
BE PREPAREDto keep your new lawn watered. ItMUSTbe kept moist enough to keep the soil aCHOCOLATE BROWN COLORat all times for the first three weeks.